Best City Branch Award

Award Sub Committee
Formation of Award Committee

Award Sub Committee
Formation of Award Committee
1. The Award Committee will be constituted at the first Governing Council meeting of every year.
2. The Committee shall consist of three elected members (one should be a Past President of ISA KSC
who will be the Chairman of the Awards Committee). The President and Secretary of ISA KSC will
be ex officio members.
3. The Committee shall evaluate the activities of the City Branches and give recommendation to the
Governing Council about the best branch before the last Governing Council meeting of the year.
4. The Governing Council will select the Best City Branch on recommendation of the Award Committee.

Presentation of Awards:

The awards shall be presented during the inaugural meeting of the Annual Conference.

Criteria for Selection

Best City Branch Award will be awarded looking into the following criteria.
Points will be awarded as follows.

A. City Branch Activities-

1. 1 point for each regular monthly report of activities. Maximum 12 points in an association year. The report of activities should reach the State Secretary before 15th of the next month. One copy of the report should be sent to the Award Committee Chairman also.

2. 5 points for each percentage of increase in membership. The base of membership will be as per the state membership register as on the last date of the month preceding the state conference.

3. 2 points for each new membership in FBF. ( No points in case an existing FBF member is transferring the membership to another branch.)

B. Association activities

1. 10 points for hosting/ sponsoring State GCMeetings, limited to a maximum of 10 points. (20 points
will be deducted from city branch account if City Branch backs out from hosting a proposed G.C Meeting.) No points to any city branch if a GC meeting is directly conducted and hosted by the State
2. 2 points for the City Branch nominated G.C member attending each Governing Council meeting.
Proof of attendance is signing the attendance register.
3. 2 points for each city branch member attending the national conference subject to a maximum of 10 points.
(Attendance of national office bearers in national conferences will not be considered for points.)

C. Scientific activities

1. A. 2 Points for each branch level offline CME (clinical meeting) subject to a maximum of 24 points. Only one
CME in a calendar month is to be considered.
B. 1 Point for Online CME
( Proof must be submitted as photo/ brochure/ newspaper reports)
( Maximum points in each month will be 3 - one offline and one Online CME. Maximum points in an Association year will be 3x12= 36)

2. 10 points for conducting State / Regional / National level CME / workshop with prior approval of the
Governing Council of ISA KSC

D. Social Activities

1. 4 points for each programme on public awareness on anaesthesia speciality/ Cultural programmes/Sport…subject to a maximum of 4 points in a month and 20 points in an Association year. Programme must be organized by city branch alone. Only 2 points, if organised along with brother organisation. Proof must be submitted as photos / newspaper reports
2. 5 points for city branch organized World Anaesthesia Day celebrations. No additional CME points for the meeting.( Points will be given only for the programs organised on October 16)

The Award Committee has the discretion of recommending Special  Award to the City Branch/ City Branch Office bearers for special achievements/ enrolling maximum members in an Association year under category of Small branch and Large branch.